Wednesday 15 June 2011

Teething bling

So Teething bling where looking for parents and babys to review there products i straight away said YES as my little girl has being chewing everything from blankets to my hands trying to bite my face!
so this is what i recieved i was a bit shocked cause i thought it was going to be a bangle but it was a pendant NOT a big deal though :)
so it felt different to what i expected, its quite firm but flexiable, the first time i put it on nevaeh was not intrested at all i tried to enocourage her along by holding it bet she really didnt want it. but i was really happy with the teething bling and didnt want to give it a reveiw with down points so i thought right ill give it a few more days as come babies take a little longer to adapt to different things,
so everyday i would wear the teething bling its been about 4-5 days now and hurrarr!! she picked it up and was biting down on it!!

she thought it was quite funny at one point LOL.

so after a few days she took to it well, and enjoys and good munch now she's realised she can lol.

so i do think the teething bling are a good product but maybe nevaeh would have been more intrested if it was a bright colour :)
but i suppose different babies addapt to things at different times and paces just took nevaeh a little longer :) but i will be carrying on with using the teethingbling :)

you can purchace teething bling from their website TEETHING BLING WEBSITE
and find out more on their facebook page TEETHING BLING FACEBOOK
leonii x

Babble bib

When i Seen These at the baby show i thought they where beautiful! but didnt take much intrest as i was to busy looking at other things, There seemed to be so many bib i thought they where just all the same! when i had the chance to review the babble bib i thought YES PLEASE!!

Very friendly staff that i spoke to over email they even let me choose the design i wanted! i was so chuffed as i have to have everything girly!! so i chose the floral bib for my little lady,
it was super fast delivery and i recived the bib two days later!
It Came With Info About The Bib And a nice thank you message!
my first thought on the bib was "Oh My Gosh How Pretty Is That" && "Its Soo Soft",
so the problems i was having was my daughter likes to drink her bottle on her side while watching what is going on! so as you can imagen milk comes out the side of her mouth everywhere.
so i tried out the bib with her drinking on her side and it was super!! because its thicker round the neck than other bibs it caught all the milk! so no wrecking an outfit with a big wet patch!!

Another problem i was having was as my daughter is teething she is dribbiling a hell of a lot!! and i found normal bibs would work for about 10 mins then be wet through! and also wreck an outfit! (sound silly i no but im sure you all want your kiddies to look the best)

so i put it on for when we went out for a walk and its that pretty it didnt look at all out of place! it just looked like a little scarf! it was brill!!

The bib does up at the back with "poppers" which i think is a fab idea as velcro seems to go rubbish after a few washes! and i dont like the tie up bibs, i also washed the bib and it comes out perfect soft and fresh as before!

so i was 100% happy with this product and honestly think i will be buying more babble bibs!
you can order on line BABBLE BIB WEBSITE the prices and designs vary but if you go to the facebook page BABBLE BIB FACEBOOK PAGE  the company have great offers on all the time!!

leonii x